Nathan started as a teen in Eye of the Matrix. He grew into a semi-leader with his father in Eye of the Throne. When he sees ghosts or visions from the planet's past, he doubts himself. His conflicts lie with an unknown future, his girl friend's friendship with an alien, and loyalties to his family. Now, he and his family are heading into the mountains again to return their friend back to Mars. Will he leave the planet or stay and follow his destiny?
Shirley, his girlfriend, was born on an alien ship. She lived on Arret as a child until her parents returned to Mars. Now she's part of the crew but still has to prove herself. Women are still not appreciated on this backward planet. When she befriended one of the locals, Nathan wasn't happy about it. She wants to become independent but the culture toward women is far behind Earth's.
Alice, Mike, Gothur, ViTel, and Poppi still play important roles in this Quest series.
Shirley, his girlfriend, was born on an alien ship. She lived on Arret as a child until her parents returned to Mars. Now she's part of the crew but still has to prove herself. Women are still not appreciated on this backward planet. When she befriended one of the locals, Nathan wasn't happy about it. She wants to become independent but the culture toward women is far behind Earth's.
Alice, Mike, Gothur, ViTel, and Poppi still play important roles in this Quest series.